讀完第六課課文後,請用中文寫下題目用中文及完整的句子回答以下問題。將答案寫在紙上。(After you read the Text 1 and 2 of Lesson 6, please write down the questions in Chinese and answer these questions in Chinese and in full sentence on a piece of paper.) 

Text 1.

1. 為什麼作者在找他的帽子?
2. 作者在哪裡找他的帽子?
3. 作者最後 (eventually) 有找到他的帽子嗎?

Text 2.

1.作者怎麼 (how) 去學校?
2. 為什麼需要 (need) 開燈?作者為什麼要開燈?(You can answer the first question in English)。
3. 將下列詞語翻成英文 (Translate the following into English):
   (i) 開車  (ii) 打開電腦  (iii) 打開燈  (iv) 打開書  (v) 開心

If there is any vocabulary above that you do not understand or have any question, feel free to ask me through my email: [email protected]  or use the "Comment" option below and I will reply as soon as possible.